You Know what to Put in your Suitcase, but what about your Phone?


The popularity of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets has made travelling much easier than only twenty years ago.

Countless companies and freelance developers have been peppering the market with travel applications.

While some of them are useful, most of them are gimmicky unfinished products that cannot be relied upon.

What are the really useful apps for a traveler or people on holiday? Stay tuned and find out.


weather app
Knowing what awaits you tomorrow can help you decide whether you are booking that cruise tour or you will be better off exploring the old town.

The Weather Channel app, let’s you carry the favorite TV broadcast with you. Offering hourly updates and 10-day forecasts, together with UV indexes and warnings.

Available for iOS devices only, Dark Sky is a new impressive weather app with unbelievably accurate rain and snow predictions, due to radar mapping.


map app
An essential map app whenever you find yourself in a new city, CityMapper helps you navigate the subway system, interesting routes, distances, times, prices and much more.

More than a guidebook, Localeur app is fueled by local experiences of people who actually live there, which are updated regularly.

The app features profiles of writers together with their interests and observations. Lost a friend on a busy market day in Cadiz?

What3Words app can help friends on holiday track and trace each other using the GPS feature.


money app
Traveling has always been closely related to budgeting and saving. When you have to split expenses between two people, the situation gets even more complicated.

Cost Split app allows you to set up a trip budget with the names of people involved so you can keep tracking who spends what.

Trippeo is another great expense tracking app that is useful to everyone, although it’s primary feature is to manage business travel expenses, but it’s been called the best, simplest and most efficient expense management app on the market.


sights app
There are apps like Yplan that let you explore the local events, venues and sights, making the whole traveling experience more spontaneous. Now you can go where cool locals go, with regular updates on events in New York, San Francisco and London. Green Globe app is perfect for Earth-friendly traveler.

It helps you trace hotels, restaurants, resorts and cruise lines that are operating a sustainable business regarding energy and water consumption, recycling and CO2 emissions.

Public Transport

taxi app
As a perfect example of increasingly popular taxi cab pickup apps, Lyft lets you connect with individual taxi drivers worldwide, with another useful option – car sharing, which connects travelers who are heading the same way.

Even if you are not sharing the app promises 60% discount on fares. An essential flying app, FlightAware keeps track about everything about air transport, commercial and private airlines, flight numbers, routes, arrival and departure boards, gate and terminal changes and weather.

Available for Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

Traveling has never been more spontaneous and laid-back experience.

Download the latest updates for these amazing apps and see where your trio takes you next month.

Roxana Oliver
Roxana Oliver
Roxana is an adventurer, a frequent traveler and blogger at Besides traveling she loves to cook exotic food and take care of her two adorable dogs Astoria and Brando and her mischievous cat Archibald. Roxana is an environmentalist by vocation, and she loves taking long walks at the beach.


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