World’s oldest man alive revealed his secret for longer life on his 146th birthday celebration


A man from Indonesia has recently celebrated his 146th birthday and revealed his secret for long life.

The greatest secret to long life doesn’t come in form of supplements, medicines, healthy lifestyle and diet.

According to Mbah Gotho of Indonesia who recently celebrated his 146th birthday, “the recipe is just patience”.

Mbah Gotho, whose identification card shows that he was born on the 31st of December year 1870, celebrated the date of his birth with his grandchildren after outliving all 10 of his siblings, his 4 wives and kids.

Although there’s no official and verifiable record that can put his name at Guinness World Records, the Indonesian records office has confirmed that a man named Mbah Gotho of small village in the Central Java province was indeed born on the year 1870.

If more proof will emerge, Gotho can claim the title of the oldest person alive, a title currently held by Jeanne Calment, a French supercentenarian who has the longest confirmed human lifespan on record, living to the age of 122 years and 164 days.

Mr Gotho celebrated the landmark birthday with his grandson, Suryanto, and his wife, Suwarni with their children Erika Kurniawati and Anisa Kurniawati (Donal Husni/ZUMA Wire/REX/Shutterstock)
Mr Gotho celebrated the landmark birthday with his grandson, Suryanto, and his wife, Suwarni with their children Erika Kurniawati and Anisa Kurniawati (Donal Husni/ZUMA Wire/REX/Shutterstock)

At his 146th birthday celebration, Mbah Gotho’s family, friends and neighbors gather together and sang him a birthday song.

They also prepared a cake for him and he managed to blow out all of the candles in one puff.

In one interview, he said that his secret to long life was just pure patience. He also mentioned that he have begun preparing for his death 24 years ago (1992).

He already has a gravestone made as he didn’t expect to live beyond 122 years of age.

His grandchildren said that Mbah Gotho spends most of his time listening to the radio as he’s not capable of watching TV anymore because of his poor eyesight.

Mr Gotho is said to have begun preparing for his death in 1992, but 24 years later he is still alive
Mr Gotho is said to have begun preparing for his death in 1992, but 24 years later he is still alive (Donal Husni/ZUMA Wire/REX/Shutterstock)

Aside from Mbah Gotho, Nigerian James Olofintuyi (171 years old) and Dhaqabo Ebba of Ethiopia (163 years old) are also candidates for the title of the oldest living man on earth.  

Unfortunately, all of them can’t offer verifiable documents and proper records to prove their age and birth dates hence they cannot be given the said title.

(via,, Dailymail UK, RT News)

Ron Leyba
Ron Leyba
Ron is the blogger behind RonLeyba.Com. For more of his amazing lists, visit this website more often.


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