10 of the Signs that your Job Candidate is a Bad Idea


Gina submit this list and it’s kinda funny… so I post it and Tada! She gets Featured. Do submit your top10 list to us and be featured!

Obviously, getting fired isn’t an ideal situation to ever be in. All the same, it’s certainly a situation that can be dealt with strategically, so that you get back into the workforce again quickly, with a minimum of discomfort.

Here’s top 10 list of Signs that your Job Candidate is a Bad Idea.

The candidate…

1 – asks you for a ride home.
2 – has draw’s that are hanging out at the top.
3 – lists Mom as a reference.
4 – is too drunk to complete the application.
5 – is wearing one steel toe shoe & a Sponge Bob house slipper.
6 – asks you out on a date.
7 – is accompained by a putrid smell and leaves a snail trail as they pass by.
8 – has Coke bottle glasses and are unable to see you, much less look at you. And they are wanting a construction job.
9 – has black hair, black eyes and a tattoo that reads Stan Rocks, but they take the time to let you know that it should read Satan Rocks.
10 – asks you to retrieve their re’sume’ on Facebook.

Jrplaza is a blogger, web designer/web developer and the founder of Henspark.com from Manila, Philippines.


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