Craziest Nature Photographs You Won’t Believe are Not Photoshopped!


Photoshop has become both the boon and bane of modern photography. These days, it is hard to tell whether a photo is genuine or Photoshopped.

Well, this set of photos is different.

The pictures in this list appear to be Photoshopped, mostly because they are very unusual; however, we can honestly tell you that these are genuine photographs of nature, untouched by Photoshop!
Prepare to be amazed by these awesome photos.

The Wave

1 the wave
Set in the border between Utah and Arizona, The Wave is a sandstorm formation that looks like waves yet etched on hard rock.

The formations are popular among nature photographers who are amazed at how these rocks appear the way they do.

According to the Wikipedia, midday is the best time to photograph The Wave because of the lack of shadows at the center but dramatic photos can also be taken during early mornings or late afternoons.

Getting to The Wave is also part of the thrill for nature photographers who need to take a long hike before reaching this beautiful work of nature.

Thor’s Well

2 Thors Well
This large well looks like it comes straight from sci-fi movies of alien worlds yet it is a natural salt well found in Oregon.

The scene in Thor’s Well is surreal, especially during high tide when the waters rush to the well, falling down to the chasm that has never been explored yet.

This natural wonder is the perfect destination for thrill-seekers and nature photographers who must be extra careful else they fall down into the deep chasm.

Morning Glory Pool

The colors of the hot spring pool change from time to time but the outer ring is mostly yellow to orange while the middle spot is mostly green to blue.

The pool is named after the morning glory flower.

As a stunning work of nature, the Morning Glory Pool is a favorite among nature photographers.

However, you can’t get inside the pool because it hot waters [as high as 171 degrees Fahrenheit (77 degrees Celsius)] could cook you!

Garden of the Gods

garden of gods
A popular tourist destination in Colorado, the Garden of the Gods is an amazing place to visit.

The stunning red rock formations are interspersed with lush foliage that make it appear as if the gods have created this beautiful garden.

You can also find the Balanced Rock [now cemented in place for the public’s safety] and the Steamboat Rock [which resembles a steamboat].

The Liquid Rainbow

Liquid Rainbow
Also known as the “River of Five Colors”, Caño Cristales [English: Crystal Spout] is another perfect spot for nature photographers.

If you haven’t seen it up close, you might think this colorful river is but another product of Photoshop yet its vivid colors are simply the product of the river’s lush fauna.

The Pink Lake

pink lake
This pink lake must be Photoshopped, right? Wrong! This is Lake Hillier in Australia.

Its waters are truly pink in color and stay pink even if you place the liquid inside a container.

The pink hue is due to the dye released by Dunaliella salina and Halobacteria, organisms that enjoy the salts in this beautiful lake.

Underwater Forest

Underwater Forest
Set beneath the foothills of Tian Shan Mountains in Kazakhstan is a breathtaking underwater forest which stretches across the 400-meter Lake Kaindy.

This eerie forest was formed after an enormous limestone landslide in 1911.

The Cave of Giant Crystals

Cave of Giant Crystals
Looking like its straight out of a sci-fi movie, the cave of giant crystals is actually part of The Naica mining complex in Chihuahua, Mexico, where rich deposits of lead, copper, zinc, gold, and silver have been found.

We bet there are diamonds in this mine, too!

The Blood Falls

The Blood Falls
I would bet this is the place where vampires are born. LOL.

In reality, the Blood Falls in Antarctica got its color from iron oxides.

However, the reality does not change the fact that the falls appear to be blood-stained and become the perfect backdrop for horror flicks – though I doubt film crews would enjoy the subzero conditions of the area.

The Star-filled Beach

Star-filled Beach
Did the stars fall down from the sky to grace this beautiful beach in Maldives?

Well, even if it appears so, the twinkling crystals are actually caused by bioluminescent bacteria, not the stars from the sky.

Still, this place is a great place to visit – for nature photographers and tourists alike.

Amazing Builder Partners

Danielle Ramos
Danielle Ramos
A non-functioning licensed Chemist but full-time mommy of 2 kids, full-time wife, and full-time freelancer.


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