Movies and Films

10 of the Best Romantic Comedy Movies – So Far

Everyone is a sucker for romantic comedies, that is why there are so many movies done in this genre. It appeals to women because...

Most Famous Male Vampires in Movies and Literatures

Vampires - We all know them as the viscous, blood-sucking demon whom usually from ancient times as well the major villain of an action-pack...

10 of the Hollywood’s Tech Savvy Stars, One of the best websites I usually check every time I need an updated list. I might say that they have been in...

10 of the Best Movie Soundtracks Better than films they represent

My very good friend, Jay of shared to me this MTV's list(Originally exempt from 15 Movie Soundtracks Better Than The Movies They're For)...

10 of the Greatest Movie Franchises of All Time

A media franchise is an intellectual property involving the characters, setting and trademarks of an original work of media (usually a work of fiction),...


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