10 of the Characteristics Men Find Attractive in a Woman


When we talk about attraction, we are not talking about lust (which is also a form of attraction). A man can be physically attracted to a woman, without any feelings of love, and this form of attraction is purely primal and is focused completely on the “body” of the woman involved. I found this list from great advice site whatdomenreallythink.com and hell, I really love it!

What we are talking about, in this article, is the attraction which is synonymous with love. Relationships are built on a love based attraction, so what’s important would be know the traits in a woman, that men find most attractive, which makes them fall in love.

The following are some of the traits that guys find attractive in women. The list in not in any particular order of preference, and it can be assumed that the 10 factors make an impact in unison.

1 – Soft heartedness

Men are more likely to fall in love with a woman who is soft, or warm, hearted, than a woman who is cold. Guys love to be mothered (not nagged but cared for), and so they tend to fall for a woman who offers them acceptance and warmth. This would have to be the trait that men find most attractive in women.

2 – Modesty

Men fall in love with the “modest” girls, and lust after the “hot” ones. Modesty in behavior, dressing and talking is what men look for in their “long-term” partner. Though guys find “hot” women attractive, it’s mostly physical in nature and they lose interest after a few passionate encounters in the bed. There is also a common consent among men that “hot” women are less reliable, and high maintenance. In short, men love women who they can take home to their mother.

3 – Being Feminine

“Most Men” like feminine women. Feminity is all about being soft, kind hearted, understanding and caring. This attraction is justified by the fact that men are attracted to traits in a woman which they themselves lack.

4 – Character

Men are attracted to a woman who projects a strength of character and integrity. The word “fidelity” is becoming rarer nowadays even among women, who were historically more loyal of the two, and men find this to be bad news. So men are constantly on the look out for a woman who can invoke trust through her strength of character.

5 – The Woman’s voice

Women are naturally endowed with a beautiful voice which men find highly attractive. Some men love a strong voice in a woman, some prefer a soft tone, with a high pitch. Some women have a husky voice and many guys find that attractive too.

6 – Her Smile

A smile can easily win over a male heart. If, as a girl, you are prone to having a smiling face you are more likely to be approached by guys than when you have a smug, or frowning, face.

7 – Her Eyes

Next to the smile, this is another facial feature that men get attracted to. Some men simply fall in love with the woman’s eyes. The eyes can speak a thousand words and this is very much true with it comes to attracting men.

8 – The Woman’s Hair

Most men get attracted by moderately long hair or anything close to shoulder length as that looks more feminine. Having said that, there are a lot of men who find women with short hair attractive.

9 – Physical Structure

As far as physical features are concerned, men get attracted to a woman’s skin tone, lips, height and waist-to-hip ratio. Contrary to popular assumptions men are not bothered much about the size of the breasts or derriere when it comes to looking for a life mate. These factors are pretty much insignificant.

10 – Sense Of Humor

Men generally get attracted to women with a good sense of humor. A Woman who can understand and laugh with them. Sense of humor is not necessarily the ability to crack jokes but the ability to understand and laugh at one.

So these are the ten important traits that men find attractive in women. But again, every man has his unique taste. The above points are common to most men but not for all. Look at it this way. A man may look for and get attracted to such qualities in a woman that he lacks himself. For instance, a tough guy will look for a soft female. Hope you got the idea.

Bear in mind that for every woman there is a man out there, so just relax and look out for him.

Jrplaza is a blogger, web designer/web developer and the founder of Henspark.com from Manila, Philippines.


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