10 of the Unbelievable Facts or Fallacies about Sex & Getting Pregnant


This article will be focused on the facts and fallacies in sex and getting pregnant, this is a very sensitive topic so please have an open-mind as you read the article. This article’s goal is to educate people especially those who are not familiar or not very well informed about the facts to be tackled. As we discover the truth, we will be enlightened how and why unwanted pregnancies occur.

We will also find out that some sexual positions can lessen the chance of conception. This article will also reveal the misconception about doing the act underwater, and you might be shocked on the reality behind it. We will also bust some of the myths about sex and getting pregnant. Do you want to do it underwater? Better think twice or I suggest you better read the whole article to find out if it is really safe to do the act underwater. You might change your mind after knowing the risks of doing the stuff.

Here’s top 10 lists of the Facts & Fallacies in Sex and Getting Pregnant.

1 – Possibility of Getting Pregnant During Menstruation

Women can get pregnant anytime, and anytime means even during menstruation. This was proven by researchers and they guarantee that the chances are never absent during the menstrual cycle. According to them, the chances or possibility are just higher during the days when a woman is not on her period.

2 – The “Rhythm method” Reliability

Few women are having a regular menstrual cycle like this one and studies show that only 30% of women are having a regular monthly period. The so-called rhythm method is more effective if a couple is planning to bear a child rather than those who use it to avoid getting pregnant. There is also a very high chance that sex “before and after” the menstrual period will make a woman pregnant. You want to avoid getting pregnant? Do it protected.

3 – Fertility During the Menstrual Period

An observation/study was performed to 213 women with ages 25 to 35, and a theory was proven true. The result of the studies proved that a woman on her menstrual cycle can be fertile even at day 4. This supports the fact discussed on the possibility of getting pregnant during menstruation. (See item number 1)

4 – Can’t Get Pregnant Even Doing it Frequently

Avoid overdoing it. Overdoing might lead to an opposite effect. An unsuccessful conception was due to lack of sperm count that will travel through the cervix, thus making the chances low to bear a child. The best time that experts suggest is to know when the ovulation period of your partner, during that time the woman is more fertile and the chance of getting pregnant is very high.

5 – Urinating After Sexual Intercourse

The belief that someone will not get pregnant if she urinated after sex is not true. If you did not perform the withdrawal method and once the sperm/semen has successfully entered the cervix, there’s no way to stop it.

6 – First-timers Won’t Get Pregnant

There’s no exception in getting pregnant even if it is your first time. As long as woman’s body reached adolescence period and is fertile enough, ovulation will occur. At any age, pregnancy takes place and to prove it there are reports that a 12-year old can be pregnant…or even younger as long as fertility takes place

7 – Unveiling the Withdrawal Method

It was suggested that to avoid getting pregnant is to use the withdrawal method. I have discussed that even if a woman urinated after sex can get pregnant as long as the semen reached the cervix. Is the withdrawal method 100% safe? The answer is NO. The pre-cum which is an instance wherein drops of sperm came out “unnoticeably” during sex can make someone pregnant. Unprotected sex plus a pre-cum resulted to unwanted pregnancy.

8 – Sex Positions Do Not Matter

Any sexual act where proper precaution was not taken into consideration will lead to pregnancy. Whether you do it standing or lying horizontally, the chances are still there, but standing up can reduce the chance. Conception possibility was narrowed because of this position, it leaked down the semen, making it almost impossible to reach the cervix.

9 – Sex Underwater

It was a misconception that one cannot get pregnant if the act was done underwater. Research shows that sperm cannot be killed by water alone. Water also cannot restrict the egg to be fertilized. Some said that even a heat of water tub can kill a sperm, this is false. Water will not act as a contraceptive.

10 – Using Condom Makes it 100% Safe Underwater

Condoms usually decreased lubrication as the sexual act is prolonged, there’s a small probability that might bet ruptured. Other factors that can contribute to a condom’s rupture are chlorine and oil-based substances such as sun screen and bubble bath. Condoms might slip off while doing the act and you might be unaware that it already happened.

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John Philip Mamaril is one of the writers/contributors of always10list. He is also the man behind Semidoppel’s Report.


  1. Did a third grader write this? pathetic! How about talking science! like, and egg only lives for +/-12 hours; sperm lives up to 72 hours. Knowing when you ovulate (list the common sign) is key to rhythm method – both for avoiding pregnancy and seeking pregnancy. Also, what research/observation do you refer to? article is not credible without it.  As for other misconceptions, do people really think they can’t get pregnancy if standing up, or in the water? if so, that shows how poor our Human Biology knowledge really is after all these years. No wonder the abortion rate is still so high: still not getting the facts of our own bodies taught. Very Sad! 

  2. Hey mr./ms know-it-all. The writer of this article has sources…why don’t you comment on them? You just keep on blaming. There’s always a positive way, if you know better, why have that kind of approach.

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