Best Classic TV Shows to Prove to Your Kids You are Cool


Hey guys, I don’t know if you have this problem, but my kids like to mock me when it comes to TV shows. They always seem to be the ones I miss from my own youth. Granted, the shows today are fast paced and kids are media-addicts, but there has to be shows to prove that I’m still a cool dad.

Luckily, I found some and compiled as top 10 lists; TV with enough class, intellect and clever twists to prove to your kids that mom and dad aren’t entertainment dinosaurs.

  • 1 – Battlestar Galactica

    Created in 1978, Glen A. Larsen captured our imagination to such an extent, the story has been revamped a number of times. The original series was from 1978-79, then aired again in 1980 as “Galactica.” But you can show your kids that it was also revamped and aired from 2003-2009, with all the special effects a junkie needs. You can also point out that the story has a successful comic book and RPG (role playing game) line.

  • 2 – The A Team

    Chances are your teens have seen the 2010 box office hit with Liam Neeson, but have they seen the original TV stint? How many shows do you know of where it takes 20,000 rounds of ammo to blow out a tire? Yeah, educate the brats on what was considered cool military entertainment from 1983-1987. You can add that, even though Mr. T may be wearing dentures by now, he also plays World of Warcraft.

  • 3 – Batman

    You can proudly beat your chest and point out that you had Batman before Christian Bale was even born! Created by 20th Century Fox Television, the show aired January 12th, 1966 and ended in March of 1968. Adam West played Batman for 120 episodes and was the original live representation of one of the greatest superhero icons of our day.

  • 4 – The Dukes of Hazzard

    Ok, you might think this is a stretch, but from 1979 to 1985—Luke and Bo Duke were the epitome of redneck power. The boys will more than likely sit through a number of episodes once Daisy walks across the screen.

  • 5 – The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

    Ok, this may be a cheap shot, but I’m looking for points here. My kids love Will Smith, both as an actor and as a rapper. So when I showed them the 1990 sitcom, they were blown away. You can point out that this show was based on a fictional version of Will himself.

  • 6 – Max Headroom

    You might not remember this yourself, but it will definitely impress the kids. This British-made show for ABC in 1987, displays a side of TV that’s still ahead of its time. Max Headroom remains, even today, to be a one of a kind character.

  • 7 – Doctor Who

    Another brilliant TV series from the UK is also one of the longest series in TV history. What’s cooler than traveling with a Time Lord? I mean, come on. Now, the older series won’t impress the kids much—unless they’re into quality scripts. However, if you sit them down with the revamped series starting in 2005, you’ll have the full special effects and humor only the Doctor can deliver.

  • 8 – The Twilight Zone

    This is the one show that I believe will shock young minds. It’s much slower in pace that todays programming, but the stories will grab them and never let go. I can promise you’ll hear a lot of opinions after a single episode. I recommend starting with To Serve Man (season 3), just to twist their brains a bit.

  • 9 – Miami Vice

    In 1984, NBC created the show that defined cool. Just look at some of your own pictures as a teen. Don’t deny it. Every guy wanted to be Crockett or Tubbs in the ’80s. With five seasons under their belts and music from Jan Hammer—you’re a shoe-in for coolness.

  • 10 – Star Trek

    This one is one of the all-time greatest Sci-Fi creations in history. Seriously, if this doesn’t impress them, they deserve to be grounded.

There’s my list. Have suggestions of your own that prove your coolness? I’d love to hear what they are. Leave a comment below and share your views.

Jrplaza is a blogger, web designer/web developer and the founder of from Manila, Philippines.


  1. OhMyGulay! My most favorite of all time landed on number 8! The ultimate horror tv show! Intro music pa lang nakaka-tindig balahibo na! 🙂

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