10 of the Top Bad Effects of Bullying


Do you exactly know what “bullying” is all about? Well, based on some dictionaries, bullying means “the act of maliciously doing any harm to another person by means of some form of abuse- either physically or verbally”. The bully takes pleasure in seeing others suffer because of his or her bad behavior. You could possibly think it does not appear too bad. But just imagine yourself being the victim or a person you really are concerned about, how would you truly react and feel then?

Will you simply ignore and walk away without even fighting for yourself and your loved one’s rights? I am 100% sure that most of you wouldn’t do that. In fact, you will take the necessary actions to correct it. But come to think of it, how come you just neglect and leave as soon as you notice a person being picked on by a complete stranger and even worse a group of unfamiliar people? Could it be because of fear? Is it out of shame? Or is it due to the fact that you simply just don’t care at all?

Most of us, do not consider bullying as a critical and serious case. Sadly, we often do not give much importance to it. A person who experienced being bullied, finally end up leading to long-term injury and destruction. We all ought to know our part in order to prevent bullying within our community. That way, we will be able to live harmoniously with one another.

Here are top 10 lists of the bad effects of bullying. Read on and be informed so you could stop the wrong doings!

1 – Physical signs

In most cases of bullying, the intense, harsh and terrible actions towards the victim takes place on a consistent routine over a long time which can increase the risk for continuous growth and development of actual physical disorders. Persons who are being bullied are abused physically which includes hitting, kicking, poking, punching, slapping on the face, pinching, pushing and throwing of objects which may result them from acquiring bruises, wounds or even burns from cigarettes.

2 – Psychological trauma

Being a victim of bullying is very traumatic. It is an event in a specific person’s life that is life-threatening which seriously puts at risk the emotional well-being of an individual. Psychological trauma is a kind of damage to the mind which develops as a consequence of a traumatic situation. And as soon as trauma triggers post traumatic stress disorder, the injury may possibly include irregularities within the brain which actually affects a person’s reaction to future stress.

3 – Increased vulnerability to sickness

Among the most prevalent health issues connected to bullying normally include irritable bowel syndrome which is very evident because of an upset stomach on a regular basis as well as the immediate need to make use of the restroom, in addition to that, severe cases of headaches and other indications related to stress and anxiety are oftentimes noticeable. Lastly, there are some other effects which include hair loss, cutting of the skin, and other kinds of mutilation if the victim feels tempted to hurt himself.

4 – It can cause depression, anger or bitterness

Getting bullied by someone shows you that you are unwanted, unwelcome and unfavorable, that you turned out to be not so safe, that you are somewhat helpless to fight for yourself. When you find yourself being pressured and compelled over and over again to think about your lack of control over the person or group of persons intimidating you, you come to feel and believe that you are unable to do anything to change your nasty and terrible situation, even if that is not the case.

5 – Difficulty in sleeping

The negative impact of bullying reaches up to the different areas of a victim’s life, even going to sleep. The combined feeling of fear, despair, stress, anxiety and all sorts of undesirable destructive side effects reduce their chance of having a normal, complete and a peaceful sleep. This of course is not healthy to any person.

6 – Low or very little confidence on one’s self

A person being bullied has an injured or damaged self-concept. It makes it difficult for them to believe and rely on their own capabilities. When that happens, they tend to have a much tougher and very challenging time coping up through complicated circumstances and stressful situations. Oftentimes, a low or very little confidence also leads to a feeling of being demoralized.

7 – The victim missed out on possible opportunities for self-development, further study and eventually employment or career growth

There are several stories that prove many victims of bullying having left schools in an attempt to keep away from nonstop bullying. And because of that, it hinders their academic performance. Thus, it had placed a limit on their chance to get employed. It had caused many harmful effects to the victim and thus results to a person’s delay in advancement.

8 – Difficulty to trust others

It could be tough and of course frightening to put your trust in other people if you have experienced abandonment, betrayal or cruelty. Eventually, you tend to be suspicious of other person’s motives.

9 – The victim has developed difficulty in gaining friend

Among the long list of the most severe outcomes of bullying is the fact that “target individuals” find it difficult to make friends. This is most likely because they happen to be “different” and pressure from their peers puts a stop to some other people standing up for them. Because it is extremely important to feel they are being accepted and fit in within a group, they are not going to risk getting singled out or isolated simply because they stand up for the victim.

10 – Possible Violence done by the victim

Without any doubt, this could happen during the time a victim is being bullied or possibly later in life. This might be physical abuse which is targeted to the one who bullied them as a result of revenge or even worse to themselves which may lead to committing suicide.

Jrplaza is a blogger, web designer/web developer and the founder of Henspark.com from Manila, Philippines.


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