10 Crazy facts about kissing that you probably didn’t know


Kissing is our universal way of expressing love. It’s how we show our feelings and emotions towards another person.

It’s how we express our deepest affection without even saying a single word.

And aside from being an effective way of expressing our feelings, kissing is also beneficial to human’s health and wellness.

In fact, a group of researchers found out that kissing could save someone’s life. Crazy right?

And for more jaw-dropping facts about kissing, check out the below list of 10 crazy facts about locking lips that you probably didn’t know about.

Why kissers always lean to right.

In one study, German researchers observed around 100 kissing couples and here, they found out the two-thirds of them tilted their heads to the right.

According to experts, this human instinct originates from the womb when we naturally tilt our heads to the right.

Couple Kissing

Kissing exercise the muscles.

A team of British researchers from the Rayne Institute in University College, London studied kissing couples under an MRI scanner.

Here, they found out that a kiss mostly involves the orbicularis oris (muscle around your mouth).

Not only that, the study also revealed that one kiss requires 146 muscles to coordinate, including 34 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles.

Talk about a facial muscle workout.

A king banned kissing in England.

King Henry VI banned kissing in England on July 16, 1439.

According to the history books, he did it to stop the spread of unknown disease in his kingdom.

There’s also a story that in the 16th century Naples, kissing in public was banned and its punishable by death.

French kissing was once banned on the train.

In the early 20th century, the French banned kissing on their trains.

The reason, well, too many French commuters are getting frisky causing commotion and distraction among other commuters.

So to avoid unnecessary trouble, they banned kissing while riding the train altogether.

On-screen kisses were once prohibited.

Imagine if this law is still in effect.

There will be no epic kisses on the movies like Titanic, Spiderman , Casablanca and Gone With The Wind.

In 1930s, there’s a rule that prohibited actors and actresses to kiss while lying down.

Not only that, if the actors are real life married couples, they have to sleep in twin beds and they can only kiss if one of them is standing up (foot on the ground).

Worst, they can’t kiss longer than 3 seconds.

There’s a career in kissing.

There’s a study in kissing known as the Philematology.

People who does Philematology earns the title of Osculologist. Interesting right?

Kissing With Coffee

Kissing could save a man’s life.

According to a research and study, men who regularly gets a kiss from their wives before going out (for work or for whatever reason) lived 5 years longer than their kiss-less counterparts.

Kissing is good for the health.

Kissing burns calories. In one study, researchers found out that around two-three calories are burned per minute of kissing.

Not only that, it was also noted that kissing helps strengthen immune system, relieves pains and can help prevent cavities!

Via YourTango.Com, telegraph.co.uk, businessinsider.com

Ron Leyba
Ron Leyba
Ron is the blogger behind RonLeyba.Com. For more of his amazing lists, visit this website more often.


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