
Gig Harbor Chainsaw Artist Turns Fallen Redwood into Giant Sea Octopus

Artists can find inspiration in any material, even objects or items that others might deem as trash. But Jeffrey Michael Samudosky, a chainsaw artist from...

‘Shadowologist’ Guy Uses Ordinary Objects to Complete his Artwork

For most artists, there are those days where we feel that creativity was drained or we say the lack sheer of motivation. In fact,...

15+ of Most Incredibly Realistic 3D Tattoo Collection

Our reasons for getting tattoos typically changes over time. Originally, we regularly get tattoos that hold meaning behind them. It’s not unusual to feel...

How to transfer a photo onto a slab of wood – DIY video tutorial

One of the most popular craze right now at the DIY crafts community is the wood photo transfer project. It’s quite easy follow, doesn’t...

X-Rays Uncover a Hidden Lady in Coubert’s “The Wounded Man” Painting

Gustave Coubert’s “L’Homme Blessé” or “The Wounded Man” painting currently under exhibit at the Musee d'Orsay in Paris does not really hold a lot...


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