Hilarious coward puppy barks loudly at cat but run for his life


Dogs have long held the title of “Man’s best friend”, but does this still hold true?

The popular video website – YouTube will make you believe otherwise with the amount of famous cat videos online, the canine troops should better watch their backs.

It seems that cats are making a major push to win over man’s heart everywhere.

I take this post as a Man’s best friend versus cute and cuddly companion.

Now who will win the fight between our little furry friends?

This hilarious video of a cute dog loudly barks at a cat hiding in the stairs will start the score for the fuzzy felines.

The funny one-minute clip entitled “The coward always barks the loudest!” was uploaded by AhmedHan on YouTube few years ago, and we dare you try not to laugh while watching this adorable scene.

Jrplaza is a blogger, web designer/web developer and the founder of Henspark.com from Manila, Philippines.


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