10 of the Best Ways to Save Bucks when you are travelling


Found this post from Yahoo, and I think this is a great post for all since global economic crisis is at brink.

So you’ve done the math twenty times but you’re still a few hundred dollars short in the budget department. Here’s top 10 lists of ways to save money — US$1,400 to be exact — while travelling. Just think how much more you could do, see and experience with that extra $1,400!

1 – Don’t spend hundreds of dollars on a pair of hiking boots.

You won’t need them. Trekking in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam isn’t like trekking in Nepal or Peru. Most get by just fine with a good pair of sturdy sandals. Hiking boots are hot, they’ll start to smell really bad, you’ll be needing to take them off over and over again to visit temples and enter guesthouses, and they’re heavy.

Estimated saving over a month: US$285 (based on an average pair of quality boots going for US$300, with a sturdy set of leather sandles for around $15)

2 – Don’t spend hundreds of dollars on malarials.

Unless you’re planning on sleeping naked in a swamp in remote areas along the Thai/Burma border, chances are you’ll not need to take malarials during your trip. If your family doctor starts writing out a script for months of malarials as soon as you say “Asia”, go and see a travel doctor for a second opinion. If the travel doctor says you still need them, then buy generic equivalents upon arrival in Asia — at a fraction of the cost of what you’ll pay at home. But remember, if you are visiting destinations on the main tourist trail in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, and are not planning on spending time in remote rural areas, you do not need to take malarials. Instead use repellent, dress sensibly at mosquito feasting times (light coloured clothing, with long sleeves and pants), and use a mosquito net.

Estimated saving over a month: US$135 (Based of $3 a Doxyxyline pill for fourty five days — a month and a week before and after.)

3 – Don’t spend hundreds of dollars on brand new guidebooks.

As you’re reading this on Travelfish, you’ve already got the right idea. Regarding guidebooks, buy the book for the first country you’re heading to and buy/swap as you travel for the others. Not that we support piracy, but … pirated (photocopied or bound) versions of Lonely Planet guides are available throughout Vietnam and Cambodia — Yup that’s right, that US$20 guidebook to Laos you bought at Borders yesterday can be purchased on the street in Phnom Penh for $2. The regional guides (Southeast Asia on a Shoestring etc) are hardly worth using in our opinion and you’ll be FAR better served by the country-specific guidebook for each destination. Buy/Swap/Sell.

Estimated saving over a month: US$80 (based on purchase cost of four guidebooks at a cost of $100 Vs one real guidebook for $20, then swap or buy a fake one)

4 – Invest in a digital camera.

Asia is a beautiful region and you’ll take photos — lots of them. If you’re shooting film or slide you’ll be looking at hundreds of dollars to process all your happy shots. A mid-range digital camera (say around US$300) will pay for itself in no time at all and if you buy the right one, you’ll get a video camera as a part of the package.

Estimated saving over a month: break even, but you’ve save money on your next trip.

5 – Don’t buy a sleeping bag.

ou won’t need it. If anything, get a sleep sheet or a couple of sarongs, but nearly all lodgings will have sheets and treks will have bedding organised. Plus sleeping bags are hot (you’re in the tropics remember) and they take up space that could be filled with trinkets.

Estimated saving over a month: $190 (based on a $200 sleeping bag Vs a $10 sleep sheet)

6 – Travel second class

The train system in Morocco has “C class” — locals joke the C stands for Corpses, Crates and Cattle. Thankfully 2nd and 3rd class in Asia is nowhere near as bad. In virtually all cases, 2nd class is more than enough — and it’s generally about half the price.

Estimated saving over a month: US$50-100

7 – Drink water not beer

Both beer and water are cheap in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. The former makes you fat and drunk, the latter slim and hydrated. While beer is often super cheap — say US$1 for a big bottle, water is often cheaper. Drink alcohol in moderation and you’ll be surprised just how quickly the savings pile up — and that’s without even counting the greasy $5 American Breakfast you’ll find yourself craving the morning after the night before. If you don’t want to listen to us, listen to your Mum. Drink less booze and you’ll save more baht.

Estimated saving over a month: US$90 (Based on four beers a night vs one, at $1 a beer — doesn’t include the greasy breakfast.)

8 – Fan good air-con bad

You’re in the tropics so you know it is going to be hot, but the evenings are often surprisingly cool. If you’re on the beach, look for rooms with good window space to let in that fine sea breeze. In cities you want a room on a higher floor and preferably with a window. Oddly, often rooms on the upper floors are cheaper.

Estimated saving over a month: US$300 (based on an average for of $10 for a fan room Vs $20 for an air-con one)

9 – Money management

Check with your bank before leaving to find out just what charges they have for overseas withdraws from ATMs and for cash advances. The fees may curl your hair and make travellers cheques look a lot more sensible as bank fees on a month-long trip in Asia can easily mount into the hundreds of dollars. When your bank tells you they have a US$5 charge per foreign bank withdrawal, plus an extra 5% spread on the exchange rate, you know which way to run — either straight to a bank that doesn’t, or to the closest American Express office for some travellers cheques.

Estimated saving over a month: US$100 (based on personal experience of one month in Vietnam foolishly using a Commonwealth Bank of Australia credit card)

10 – Food and Mouth Stuff

Most guesthouses will offer what they call an “American Breakfast”. This is normally two greasy eggs, a couple of plastic sausages, manufactured ham and a decorative tomato or cucumber. Don’t be surprised when it costs US$5. Skip the overpriced fatfest, walk out the door and plonk yourself down for some fried rice or noodle soup for a dollar.

Estimated saving over a month: US$120 (Based on $5 fatfest Vs $1 noodle soup)

Jrplaza is a blogger, web designer/web developer and the founder of Henspark.com from Manila, Philippines.


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